Who we are

We are passionate about every child being seen and valued as in an individual. We aim to not only help you educate your child to a high, nationally recognised standard, but also to ensure they are equipped to met the demands of the world through our spiritual enrichment program. As Christians we believe in the power of Jesus and his clear messages for all to come to a knowledge of him and to be in relationship with him. Our curriculum will offer the opportunity for each child and family to explore the Christian faith fully. At the heart of all we do is a deep love for Jesus and what he has done for us individually but also a deep love for children and education.

What we offer

We offer a bespoke high quality fully planned core subject curriculum combining small group tuition sessions at the centre with parent taught sessions at home. The way in which the curriculum is delivered can be tailored around you and your family. Our hub run sessions in English, Maths, Science and other topic subjects weekly Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. You are welcome to drop your child to these small group tuition sessions or alternatively we have a work lounge available with WIFI and complimentary tea and coffee. Our small group tuition classes are led by a fully qualified teacher and a TA. Additional materials can be set for you to deliver at home using the same curriculums we use at the Hub ensuring joined up teaching and smooth progression through the Primary Curriculum.

In addition to the core subjects being planned we offer on going support and a secure part of our website for help, tips, opportunities to share successes and celebrate with the rest of the Oakleigh Education Hub community.

We offer as part of our curriculum a free spiritual enrichment program three mornings a week where our children and families gather together for a time of prayer, age appropriate Christian teaching and celebration of pupils achievements. These sessions are 30 minutes long and run prior to the tuition sessions. Any child enrolled in any of our programs is free to attend these with their families.